
Our mission is not just to complete a task but to solve a business problem

About Logic Lounge Studio
Who are we?

We aim to showcase an alternative, professional approach to outsourcing, thereby changing trends in this direction.

Our innovation lies in 5 simple aspects:

Logic Lounge Studio Workflow Steps

Individual approach

We see you as a unique client, striving for your satisfaction and trust during our collaboration.

Transparency and competitiveness

We embrace competition, which is why we provide documented artifacts at all levels. Every client knows they can switch to another digital agency or hire their own development team, and this will be the most hassle-free process, considering all provided artifacts.

Quality development

We dedicate a lot of attention not only to solving a task but also to setting high standards for quality development.

Long-term and flexible collaboration

We aim for a long-term collaboration — 40 hours a week for an unlimited number of participants for the long term. We avoid excessive workload and even decline offers if we're not ready to take on new projects. We understand the costs in the short term but believe that trust-based, long-term work is more promising than short-term quick change of activity. We are flexible and ready to provide full employment, as well as integrate your specialists into our team, caring for their development alongside ours. We eliminate the boundaries between 'yours' and 'ours' because, in Logic Lounge, every team leader values the process of raising professionals and having authority among developers.

Logic Lounge Studio Workflow Steps
Logic Lounge Studio Workflow Steps

Effective resource management

We are ready to work both full and part-time, providing accurate time estimates before development begins. You can share them with colleagues and your own developers to ensure that the estimate is realistic. We handle hiring and downtime issues, reducing costs and ensuring high-quality products through a multi-component development approach. Logic Lounge maintains high quality in developed products by applying a broad spectrum of specialists to solve business tasks. We believe that experts from different fields will perform better and faster than the 'golden hammer' approach, and we separate areas of expertise into Frontend, Backend, DevOps, Mobile development, and Analytics. In Logic Lounge, you acquire the necessary expertise for current sprints and pay as if you have hired a dedicated employee.

Our expertise

Areas in which we excel and innovate

Web Development

Crafting dynamic and user-centric websites through innovative and responsive solutions.

Mobile Apps

Shaping ideas into responsive mobile applications that resonate with modern trends and functionality.

Personal Account Management

Creating and optimizing personal account interfaces for effective management of personal information.


Building scalable microservices for seamless communication and enhanced software performance.

Our team

A team of skilled developers bringing innovative solutions to life

Driven by a passion for innovation, our developers collaborate seamlessly to bring cutting-edge solutions to life.

Logic Lounge Studio Workflow

Our successful project creation flow

  • 1 Requirements gathering

    Carefully capture your thoughts and assist in identifying overlooked product aspects.

  • 2 Scenario development

    Thoroughly develop scenarios, saving your resources, and provide accurate functionality estimates for straightforward and understandable development.

  • 3 Providing artifact and documentation

    Provide all agreed-upon materials to facilitate support and team expansion.

  • 4 High quality code

    Bring your idea to life in cold code that remains stable with repeated launches.

  • 5 Testing and demo

    Ensure code stability with tests, present demo for the client, tracking positive impressions of bringing the idea to life.

Our Tech Stack

Our area of practice is quite wide: web development, mobile apps, analytics.

Let's talk

about your
next project.